Cicala Trattoria
Žitná 43,110 00, Prague 1GPS coordinates:50° 4' 38" N, 14° 25' 42" E
tel: +420 222 210 375fax: +420 241 434 350email: trattoria@cicala.czOpening hours:Monday - Saturday 11:30 - 22:30Sunday - closed
How to find us?
Cicala Trattoria is situated in the center of Prague exactly in Zitna street which is parallel with Wenceslas Square. Parking is allowed that you can see on the picture below.
Google interactive map ››
You can sing up to be informated about news and organized happy days in our restaurant by inserting and sending your email address.
Zitna 43, 110 00, Praha 1 GPS coordinates: 50° 4' 38" N, 14° 25' 42" E
tel: +420 222 210 375 fax: +420 241 434 350 e-mail:
MO-SA 11:30 - 22:30 SU: CLOSED